Přejít k obsahu
Project co-researcher
- GAČR Project: Advanced computational and experimental modelling of laminated glass structures under low velocity impact
- GAČR Project: Design and advanced modeling of forced-entry and bullet resistant glass structures
- Summer internship in robotic assembly of modular materials, see video below
Current activities
- Numerical simulation of damage (focused on phase field models)
- Modeling the propagation of damage in laminated glass beams and plates under dynamic loading
- Numerical methods in evolution equations
- Simulations in FEniCS library, teaching FEniCS course
Personal interests
- Theoretical Mechanics, variational principles in mechanics
- Mathematics
- 3D printers technology
- Robotics and open electronic systems
- Modern portfolio theory, risk quantification, modeling of long-term investments
- Object programming in the JAVA language
Selected publications
- Schmidt J., Zemanová A., Zeman J., Šejnoha M. Phase-Field Fracture Modelling of Thin Monolithic and Laminated Glass Plates under Quasi-Static Bending (Available on: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/13/22/5153/pdf)
- Schmidt J., Janda T., Zemanová A., Zeman J., Šejnoha M. Newmark algorithm for dynamic analysis with maxwell chain model. (Available on: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.03255.pdf)
- Schmidt J. Experimental and numerical analysis of laminated glass under dynamic loading. Master thesis. CTU in Prague. 2018. (Available on: experimental-numerical-analysis.pdf)
- Schmidt J., Zemanová A., Janda T., Zeman J., Šejnoha M. Variationally-based effective dynamic thickness for laminated glass beams. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2017. (Available on: https://ojs.cvut.cz/ojs/index.php/APP/article/download/4642/4462)
- Zemanová A., Zeman J., Janda T., Schmidt J., Šejnoha M. On modal analysis of laminated glass: Usability of simplified methods and enhanced effective thickness. (Available on: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01110.pdf)
- Hána T., Janda T., Schmidt J., Zemanová A., Šejnoha M., Eliášová M., Vokáč M., Experimental and Numerical Study of Viscoelastic Properties of Polymeric Interlayers Used for Laminated Glass: Determination of Material Parameters. Materials. 2019. (Available on: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/14/2241)